Dec, 2021

Student internship in the name of the “melting” of values, skills, ambitions

Our experience with the Castel Mella professional school

Working in a foundry, undertaking a professional path in this sector, discovering the many varieties of professions necessary to make the products of casting (“melting”) – the oldest metal working process – technological, competitive and sustainable.


“Melting” is a term that indicates the phase transition that transforms a solid into a liquid, but it also means “unite”, “put together”, form a single “whole”. And it is from this important concept that the third-year students of the professional school of Castel Mella (Brescia), which has an agreement with AIB-Confindustria, set out to get to know Fonderie Ariotti in depth in their student internship program.


03 altenanza scuola lavoro
04 altenanza scuola lavoro

Twenty students, divided into small groups, followed an experiential program, during which they personally carried out small laboratory, mechanical workshop and foundry activities, alongside experienced operators and under the watchful eye of the prevention and protection service. Their experience culminated in the casting of our company blog “Fusioni – Storie di fonderia”, which tells the stories of some workers who are symbols of union, exchange and integration between different cultures.


02 altenanza scuola lavoro
01 altenanza scuola lavoro

One of the objectives of our project with the school, in fact, was precisely to convey to the students the value of the union of skills, teamwork, collaboration and mutual respect in the work environment, which are the basis of healthy growth and evolution of a company, from both a production and a human point of view.


A project to unite school and business in the foundry

“I am very satisfied and enthusiastic about this project, and about how you guys have interpreted the spirit with which we started the company blog”, said Giorgio Ariotti during the closing day of the project. “In our company there are people who come from over a dozen different countries: open-mindedness, openness to dialogue and collaboration are essential to be able to work peacefully and make the company a welcoming place, where people feel at home”.


During the final day of the school-work alternation program, the students identified some key words to describe their experience, including: “molds”, “teamwork”, “sand”, “competence”, “traction tests “,” Eco-sustainability “,” casting “,” happiness “. Technical terms alternated to moods and ambitions. Because the foundry is exactly that: it is the place where the necessary competences “melt” with the expectation and the dream of growing professionally and affirming one’s identity in the company and in the work group.

The importance of safety

Union and integration are also given by the common sense of compliance with safety standards, which must be known and followed by all, so that they can be effective for the protection of themselves and others. In this regard, Paola Schena – Healthy and Safety officer and person in charge of the development and growth of the Fonderie Ariotti’s workers – stressed the importance of training and the correct use of PPE, to work safely in any working environment.

“I am happy to have met you in this internship – said Paola Schena to the students – and I hope that some of you decide to come and work here one day. Your school and the teachings you are following prepare you to be people ready to enter the world of work . . . with the right “melting” spirit!

Some account written by the students to remember the experience with Fonderie Ariotti

At the end of the school-work alternation project, some students of the professional school of Castel Mella (Brescia) wrote and openly shared their experiences. We report some passages:

“La visita in Fonderie Ariotti è stata una bella esperienza, mi è piaciuto in fonderia vedere la colata di ghisa che mi ha affascinato e le lavorazioni con le macchine utensili”.

“Prima di iniziare questo progetto pensavo che lavorare in fonderia fosse pericoloso e sporco ma alla fine di questo percorso mi sono ricreduto.”

“Io nel mio percorso in Fonderie Ariotti ho potuto visitare l’officina meccanica, il laboratorio dove ho visto la prova di trazione e in Fonderia dove ho ammirato la colata”.

“Un momento molto divertente nella nostra esperienza è stato quando la prova di trazione si è rotta e tutti hanno fatto un salto”.

“Sulla fonderia ho abbattuto il pregiudizio della confusione, dello sporco e del disordine trovando un ambiente pulito e in ordine.”

“E’ sicuramente un lavoro dove non si lavora da soli, ma in squadra e ogni persona ha le sue responsabilità”.

“Ho visto la colata che era una delle cose che mi incuriosivano di più, sono stato in fonderia dove c’è un po’ di rumore, però è pieno, da quel che ho visto, di persone che si aiutano a vicenda nel momento del bisogno e che fanno lavoro di squadra.

“La cosa che mi è piaciuta di più in fonderia Ariotti è la prova di trazione perché non era troppo faticoso e il processo della ghisa”.
– Sukhchain